Well, it appears the (social media) world has Simone Biles' back.
When Biles daringly withdrew from her initial Olympic gymnastics events, she made a statement about the importance of mental health. Biles wasn't in the right frame of mind to compete. So she put aside the interests of sponsors, TV networks and millions of fans worldwide, and prioritized her own well-being.
Twitter's response to the courageous decision -- bravo! Winsights data from social media agency Zoomph reveals strong positive sentiment for the shocking turn of events.
Some of Biles' partners also stood by her, none more prolifically than Athleta. Biles recently left Nike for Athleta, saying Nike didn't support her adequately "as an individual." Athleta's Instagram post of encouragement for Biles achieved a whopping 12%+ engagement rate.
In a brilliant stroke of marketing timing, the next day Athleta launched AthletaWell, a digital safe space for women to talk about everything from mental health to body positivity. Talk about living your values. Seems Simone Biles and Athleta are a perfect match.